sister ricchio currently has 2 sister companions: Sister Black from McCamon, Idaho and Sister Shaha. she has been called to be the senior companion of the group.
the language has been tough, but it is coming along! the MTC is nothing like anyone said it would be! "i guess you just have to experience it yourself!"
she says, "this experience in the MTC has totally challenged me, but I have loved every minute of it! coming here has strengthened my testimony so much. it's getting stronger day by day. i truly need to be here and i have learned so much already."
her district includes 3 elders and 5 sister missionaries.
"i would love me some treats! elder smith gets a food package everyday and we're all so jealous! he's so nice and shares with me! I don't know what everyone was talking about with the food in the MTC, but Patty is there's ever a time that I've missed your cooking it's NOW! The food is junk so treats would definitely come in handy!"
this is her testimony in portuguese:
Eu sei que a Igreja e verdadiera, e que Jesus Cristo e O salvador, e O livro de Mormon e as palavras de Deus, e as familias sao eternas. Em nome de Jesus Cristo, Amen!